Mental Detoxification Yoga - All Levels

Are you tired of holding it all together? Is it time to release the pressure valve? Come decompress and detoxify the mind, body and spirit with us.

This class emphasizes relaxation and mindfulness, while increasing your flexibility, strength, immune and respiratory health. Through guided deep breathing, relaxation practices and heart-centered movement, students can release stress, gain a sense of peace and find greater calm. Walk away feeling stronger, calmer, and refreshed.

Poses will be tailored to suit individual students through the use of modifications and props, so please find object around your home that can act as a yoga strap, blocks, blankets. Prior yoga experience is recommended.


Thursdays 6 - 7pm


Sliding Scale $10-$20. Scholarships available. Please just ask if you need it. 

Payments received via Venmo: sierra-wagner-6, Paypal:, Cash app: $sierrawagner6 and personal check sent to my address. Please email me for address.


Email me 30 minutes before class for the Zoom meeting invitation

If it is your first time please arrive in the meeting a little early to class so we can check-in before class starts.