Gentle Flow

This is an online class that blends of the slower, more gentle, aspects of hatha yoga with the dynamic movements of flow classes, where postures lead from one to the next. This is a really nice way to gently introduce yourself to flow yoga styles. You will get an introduction to basic yoga postures that will help you develop strength, balance, flexibility, and increase concentration and inner calm. Slower movements, simpler poses, and modifications are encouraged. Occasionally self-massage tools will be utilized for myofascial release. All body types, ages, and skill levels welcome.


Fridays 12-1pm


Sliding Scale $10-$20. Scholarships available. Please just ask if you need it. 

Payments received via Venmo: sierra-wagner-6, Paypal:, Cash app: $sierrawagner6 and personal check sent to my address. Please email me for address.


Email me 30 minutes before class for the Zoom meeting invitation

If it is your first time please arrive early to class so we can check-in before class starts.