Stargaze Spooky Slow Flow Halloween Yoga

Halloween is closely associated with the pagan new year holiday of Samhain (pronounced sow-win), meaning summer's end, and is a time to honor the spirit world. The lighting of the jack-o-lantern is a tradition that invites the spirits to follow the lighted path to visit the living. Just as everyone celebrates New Year's Day as a time for transformation, Halloween/Samhain is a powerful time for new intentions and rejuvenation and for communing with the dead for guidance and support.

This year I am hosting a special Halloween Spooky Slow-Flow yoga class outdoors, where we will be tuning into the spirit world. This class will be held outdoors to immerse ourselves in the darkening that comes in this fall season and find greater connection with the excitement of Halloween.

Time and Date

Halloween, October 31st

6:30-7:30pm with treats served afterwards



Space is limited to 10 people and pre-registration is required.

To register you can use venmo, zelle or paypal

Venmo Sierra-Wagner-6

Zelle and 925-348-1540

Paypal (use friends and family option please)


Ives Park In Sebastopol, CA. on the platform