Five Reasons to Go On A Yoga Retreat

The purpose of a retreat is to allow yogis to deepen their practice without the pull of everyday distractions and responsibilities. Retreats give participants an experience of connecting to something bigger than themselves and building community. Here are five reasons why a yoga retreat could be just the refresher you need!

Releasing Distraction Yoga retreats can be so effective at creating personal transformation because they provide relief from the distractions of our normal life, especially phones and laptops. On retreat the days are so filled with classes and experiences that we may prefer to stay in the here and now than spend time on our phones. By stepping away from our lives we get the opportunity to be more mindful and present. All the things that occupied our thoughts and stressed us out seem to feel much smaller as we distance ourselves from them. Just by being away we are able to gain perspective, release what is no longer servicing us in our lives, and move in the direction of our deepest desires.

Learning Something New: Most retreats are immersive, providing the best opportunity to learn in big leaps and bounds, instead of the often bits and pieces we get from drop-in classes. Retreats are designed to guide the participants into a focused time for developing greater understanding of their spiritual nature, creating dramatically shifts in understanding. Some focus more on the body, others on the mind and others emphasize spirituality more. No matter what specific teacher or yoga lineage you pick, there will be a deepening of understanding about yourself, your life and the nature of the universe.

Building Community and Connections: Some retreats are just a handful of people, while others are dozens or more. Either way, the people there are going to share some of your most precious values making for a great opportunity to create lasting connections. You get to witness their growth and they get to witness yours – all in a space of non-judgmental, open-heartedness, while having some very memorable experiences together, creating memories and friendships that can last a lifetime.

Surrounding Yourself with Beauty: Though traditionally retreats were set at humble monasteries, today’s typical western is seeking out places that inspire awe to make their retreat all the more magical. These settings, regardless of whether it’s a tropical beach or a mountain cabin, elicit moments of wonder and joy. These experiences are healing for the mind, body and spirit, stressing-releasing and reminds us that the true nature of the universe and ourselves is pure bliss. And, now, with the popularity of destination yoga retreats there are many amazing locations to choose from.

Creating a Daily Yoga Practice: Many of us struggle to incorporate yoga and meditation into our daily lives. On retreat we are able to cultivate practices we can take back into the lives at home we’ve build. Yoga retreats generally offer one to two yoga asana classes a day plus meditation, journaling, healthy eating and other spiritual practices. The routines that are created on retreat can create the foundation for a home practice. And, even if the price tag may seem like a bigger investment at the time the teachings keep paying off when we get home.

To learn more about retreats I offer check this out!

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